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Thursday, July 07, 2005

Oracle's (ORCL) Mission Statement

Oracle adheres to three principles.

Adhering to three principles has saved Oracle more than US$1 billion in operating costs—so far. With these principles, which are incorporated into the design of our software, we have coordinated and streamlined all our business processes worldwide.

  • Simplify: Speed information delivery with integrated systems and a single database. More

  • Standardize: Reduce cost and maintenance cycles with open, easily available components. More

  • Automate: Improve operational efficiency with technology and best practices. More
We believe that our customers get more from their information by using Oracle's software and services and applying these principles. Many have already improved their ability to use information and IT as strategic assets and are now able to share data and processes, measure results for continuous improvement, align stakeholders, and communicate a single truth to all their constituents.

Source: Oracle.com

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